The Confucius Way
of Learning

Robust Curriculum and Engaging Pedagogy

Our Confucius Way of Teaching has been developed by in-house specialists with deep subject mastery and strong familiarity with the MOE syllabus. Students experience effective and engaging lessons with content designed to help them score distinctions. They are exposed to important skills and application that bring the Chinese language and culture to life.

“4C” to Excel in Chinese with Confucius Mandarin

The learning experience at Confucius Mandarin is rigorous and holistic. The lesson pitching and lesson pacing are suitably challenging, in order to ensure that students develop the '4C' needed to secure top grades in their exams.

Command of Language

Gain good mastery of grammar and vocabulary, as applied to Listening (聆听), Speaking (说话), Reading (阅读), Writing (写作), Spoken Interaction (口语互动) and Written Interaction (书面互动).


Content Knowledge

Acquire knowledge and express personal opinions on issues across various themes set in MOE syllabus, ranging from General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Culture and Literature.


Creative & Critical Thinking

Hone cognitive skills in analysis, inference and evaluation, while developing the imagination and ability to synthesise, think flexibly and apply knowledge to new contexts.



Become proficient in the use of Chinese language and appreciation of Chinese culture, blossoming over time into effective communicators, independent thinkers and self-directed learners.

Our Learning Resources

We pay great attention to details in the design of learning resources. Each set of materials contains clear and targeted learning objectives, with activities that scaffold and strategically reinforce key takeaways throughout the lesson.

Students acquire a wide knowledge base through thematic reading materials and vocabulary lists that prepare them for Essay Writing and Stimulus-Based Oral Conversation. These are organised according to the themes set out in the MOE syllabus requirements.

-Understanding myself, respecting others

-Being resilient and proactive in achieving goals 

-Being conscientious and responsible

-Having a moral compass and sense of justice

-Having empathy and getting along harmoniously with others

- Living with strong moral values and good character

- Understanding cultural festivals and customs

- Understanding traditional literature and arts

- Understanding historical figures and stories

- Care for the family, respect for the elders

- Care for the community, love for the country

-Protect the environment, compassion for humanity

- Having general knowledge about daily life

- Having basic scientific literacy

-Understanding the key facts and culture about Singapore

- Having a broad global perspective

-Being culturally sensitive and accepting in a multi-racial society